One of my mentors often says we suffer in isolation and we heal in community.  Group work offers healing on a different and sometimes deeper level than individual work.  We are able to see our relational blind spots and shame experiences mirrored to us through other people; knowing we are not alone in our experiences and struggles is oftentimes enough to create a significant shift in our own healing process.  It’s important to me that each member of the group feels safe, heard and seen.  Individuals are screened for appropriateness and “fit” for the group.  If group work is determined to be for you it is definitely a path for the bravehearted and courageous.

A series of training groups for those who want to learn, practice, heal and grow within the powerful modalities of psychodrama and experiential work. While this group is professional in nature, we do ask that you are willing to bring your personal experiences to the group, in order to best learn and grow in the practices. These trainings are intended for those that work in the healing and caring industries such as; Therapists, Case Managers, Psychiatrists, Interventionists, Coaches, Clergy Members, Medical Professionals, etc. Many find that it brings healing and insight to all areas of life; personal and professional. Jill Krush will be the main trainer, however there may be special guest trainers joining throughout the series.

Rocky Mountain

experiential psychodrama WORKSHOPS

The Multi-Family workshop is available per request and as needed.  Typically the Multi-Family workshop is held over a weekend and limited to 5 families.  Multi-Family group can be more cost-effective as well as a a deeper healing experience due to sharing the work with other families.  Please contact me for more information. 

Multi-Family Workshop

This is a wonderful, connecting and powerful group for individuals, couples and families that have participated in any number of personal growth, experiential style workshops. This quarterly group allows people to come together and share common language and reconnect with their inner landscape and healing journey with like minded and like hearted people. Attending this group requires a phone call screening.

Quarterly workshops

for people with experiential

group history